Investigation of the Chemical Composition and Technological Properties of the Meet of Quail Bred in Georgia
quail meat, chemical composition, meat productivity, morphological compositionAbstract
The chemical composition, energy value, technological and morphological indicators of quail meat in Georgia were studied. It was established that the quail meat of the studied breeds has a high protein content, a moderate amount of fat and a relatively low energy value. Meat productivity of quail carcass, yield of different anatomical parts, content and ratio of individual tissues were determined. The fleshiness index was calculated. The level of satisfying the daily human need for animal proteins shows that quail meat can be considered to be a functional product. The set of obtained data shows the expediency of using quail meat in dietary and therapeutic-prophylactic nutrition.
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Международный Форум по производству и использованию растительных, микробных и животных протеинов «ПротеинТек 2022» 2022. М.