Functional ingredients in cracker production




grape seed, sweet seed hydrophilic extract, grape-seed oil, dry cookies – cracker


The search for mixed raw materials containing biologically active substances and their use in terms of increasing the biological value in flour confectionery products with functional purposes is very promising. The article discusses the possibility of using secondary products of grape processing in the production of floury confectionery products with functional purposes. The technology for obtaining the hydrophilic extract of sweet (unfermented) seeds of red grapes was developed, and the organoleptic and biologically active indicators of the extract, and the fatty acid composition of grape-seed oil were studied. It was determined that the seed extract is rich in biologically active substances - phenolic compounds and is characterized by fairly high antioxidant activity, while the composition of the grape-seed oil is dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly ω-6 linoleic acid, which accounts for up to 70% of the total amount of fatty acids. This allows us to consider secondary products of grape processing as functional ingredients. The positive effect of these ingredients on the dry cookies was determined. The technology and recipe for dry cookies—crackers with a high nutritional value were developed. 


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Food science

How to Cite

Functional ingredients in cracker production. (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 24-36.