Peace and the Metatextual Analysis of the Musical Architecture of Horace's Odes ("To Phyllis", "Jubilee Hymn or Hymn of the Century")


  • Nukri Karkadze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


Horace, Musical, Architecture, Ode, Analysis


 As a result of the analysis of the studied material, we can conclude that in Horace's odes we find a rhythmic diversity of stanzas, which has not been repeated since then. It uses a free rhythm, which allows the performer, during its reading, to be completely freed from any musical-poetic measure. As a result, there is a free arrangement of words in the sentence. Music plays a crucial role in Horace's odes. The rhythm of his verse is not saturated with the same musical themes, which undoubtedly speaks of his high professional composing skills.  It should be emphasized that Horace has used more than 100 musical terms in his odes with their definitions. In all odes, human feelings and actions are accompanied by the sound and character of a musical instrument, which corresponds to the principles of symphony. We think that the poet subjected the music to the lyrical rhythm and thus received a completely new genre, which later became the basis of many branches of art.


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How to Cite

Peace and the Metatextual Analysis of the Musical Architecture of Horace’s Odes ("To Phyllis", "Jubilee Hymn or Hymn of the Century"). (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(21), 116-133.

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