The effect of some features of the operation of the bridging aggregate’s rotary plow on the pre-sowing treatment of soil
bridging aggregate (BA), physico-mechanical properties, power and energy costs, dynamic module, soil density, humidity, specific weight, frictional properties, stickiness, rooting, galloping oscillation, damping oscillationAbstract
The article presents the results test of the bridging aggregate’s rotary plow and a critical assessment of some of the results available in literary sources on soil treatment. The definition of soil characteristics, their physical content and dynamics, which in some cases do not coincide with the traditional scientific view of them, are provided. The article also discusses the importance of arable land for humans, which had been decreased by 20 mln.km2 by the 1980s, which is 1.5 times more than the 14.34 mln km2 area). The physico-mechanical properties of soils in comparison with soil treatment with rotary plow and the analysis of the results of experimental studies are also discussed.
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