Pause in written speech (Comparative analysis of Georgian and English languages)


  • Nunu Charkviani Akaki Tsereteli State University Author
  • Sopio Kipiani Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


Punctuation, pause, Oxford comma, compensation, intonation, stress


The aim of the present paper is to make comparison of punctuation mark usage in two languages of different systems – Georgian and English. We find interesting to explore those punctuation marks that are known to indicate pause in writing. In the Georgian and English languages, which have different language systems, discussion of the pause is of great interest. There was no doubt that the examples from the works of Georgian, British and American authors would make this issue clear. Some theoretical issues helped us to study deeply the characteristic differences of the punctuation marks expressing the pause in comparable languages; their function and place in different types of sentences. The research was conducted by the use of the following methods: grammatical analysis, language observation, comparison-contrast. Analytical-synthetic method also helped us a lot. The languages we compare are of different types: one (Georgian) synthetic, and the other (English) analytical.


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Language and Linguistics

How to Cite

Pause in written speech (Comparative analysis of Georgian and English languages). (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 2 (22), 62-77.