Structural characteristics of participle forms in the Athonian redaction Gospel of Mark


  • Tamaz Devidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author



Participle, structure, Gospel of Mark, redaction, reading


The participle is an adjective formed from a verb. The analysis of participle forms is traditionally based on the classification of conjugation units. From the point of view of production, the participle forms are diverse, and this diversity is due to the reflection of the data of different stages of language development and several dialect circles. From a morphological point of view, if the frame is still productive, we think that such forms are still participles because the participle frame easily recognizes them. It is possible to talk about the results of the process of substantives only at the syntactic level because language as a system exists only at the syntax level. In the article, we will discuss the participle forms confirmed in the Athonian editions of Mark's Gospel from the point of view of the structure. For the completeness of the analysis, we compared the testimony of other editors with the empirical material. Most importantly, examine the ancient Greek readings of the text.


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Language and Linguistics

How to Cite

Structural characteristics of participle forms in the Athonian redaction Gospel of Mark. (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 100-114.