Nutritional value of the gluten0free flour composite mix


  • Eliza Pruidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author
  • Tsira Khutsidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author
  • Khatia Khvadagiani Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


gluten, gluten-free composite mix, nutritional value, flour pastry products


Wheat protein-gluten is a major cause of immune disease, so a certain part of the population avoids consumption of products derived from wheat. The main method of producing gluten-free products is to completely replace gluten-containing raw materials with gluten-free cereals. The nutritional value of products made from them is low, so it is advisable to use gluten-free raw materials rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber in the recipe. Such raw materials include flax and chick-pea. The purpose of the study is to develop a formulation of a highly biological gluten-free  composite flour mix for the preparation of confectionery products. Gluten-free composite flour mix was developed: 1. Rice flour: Buckwheat flour: Linen flour; 2. Rice flour: corn flour: chick-pea flour in the following ratio of components 40:30:30. The developed gluten-free  composite flour mix is characterized by a sufficiently high level of satisfaction of the  balanced diet formula in terms of nutrients. Gluten-free flour pastry products developed using the gluten-free composite flour mix that we proposed can be included in the  gluten-free diet.


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Food science

How to Cite

Nutritional value of the gluten0free flour composite mix. (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(21), 65-83.

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