Words That Have Lost Their Meaning (in Ray Bradbury's „Fahrenheit 451 0“)
Ray Bradbury, Words That Have Lost Their Meaning, „Fahrenheit 4510“, fireman, Wife, Child, Konstantine GamsakhurdiaAbstract
Ray Bradbury – distinguished American writer. „4510 Fahrenheit“ – a popular prose text. The novel was published in 1953, and later translated into Georgian by Andukafar Cheishvili. A high-quality translation conveys well the main conceptual messages of the American writer. Let us consider now the meaning of individual words: Fireman, Wife, Child... „Fahrenheit 4510“ is a multi-dimensional novel and it is possible to talk about its many different features. One thing is this – words have lost their original meaning and function, but in the finale, the possibility of their ,,restoration” slowly emerges. In the end, the prose text shows hope: it was not solely the fire-setter that has changed, but also those intelligent people have survived who are capable of changing – transforming this world. „Tomorrow" does exist!
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Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 4510. Ballantine Books, 1953.