Level of psycho-emotional stress, its causative factors and impact on the health of medical faculty students


  • Gulnara Shelia Akaki Tsereteli State University Author




students employment, academic stress, anxiety, stress relief methods


The purpose of the study was to identify the level of academic stress, determinants and features of its manifestation during examination sessions and to assess the complex impact of these factors on the health of students. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional method. The instrument of the survey was a semi-structured self-administered questionnaire, and the object of the study was students of the Faculty of Medicine of Akaki Tsereteli State University (n-165). According to the received data: 43% of the total number of students were male, and 57% were female, only part of the 61 employed students (23%) worked in various medical institutions - mainly in the position of assistant nurse.Combining work and study was “difficult” for more than half of employed students, “very difficult” for 28%. Research has shown that heavy academic workload and exams as major stress factors affect the health of students. Academic stress is manifested by quite high psycho-emotional tension, especially during exam sessions. The most common biological sign of stress was headache; the level of anxiety in female students was higher than in male students (p<0.05). 92% of young people had very little information about stress relief methods. Some students mainly used communication with friends (52.4%) and sleep (16.9%) to relieve stress.     Thus,  according to the results of the research, it can be said that in order to reduce the negative effects of significant informational and environmental load on students' health, to develop an adequate perception of the stressful situation and psychoemotionally prepare them for the exam, it is necessary to take into account the identified features during the organization of the educational process.


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How to Cite

Level of psycho-emotional stress, its causative factors and impact on the health of medical faculty students. (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 293-302. https://doi.org/10.52340/atsu.2024.23.01.23