Plants Containing Essential Oils in the Flora of Khvamli and NakeraRidges


  • Nino Dzotsenidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author



Nakerala, Khvamli, plants, essential oils, species


The plants containing essential oils were systematically studied in the flora of the Khvamli and Nakerala ridges. Plants containing essential oils had been long used in medicine and perfume as precious raw materials for making antiviral, spasmolytic,  hypotensive, and secretion-enhancing medications. In the study area, 42 species of aromatic plants were found belonging to 19 botanic families and 39 genera. Dominant families are as follows: Labiatae (with 9 species) and Cruciferae (with 5 species), 21 species are herbaceous,  7- bushy, 3- arboreal plants. One of the species is a Caucasian endemic – Valeriana tiliaefolia. The study area itself belongs to the botanical-geographical province of Kolkheti, the Khvamli and Nakerala ridges are united in the limestone forest and alpine sub provinces of Western Transcaucasia. The Nakerala Ridge is separated as a distinct,  independent subregion within the borders of Racha limestone ridge and Lechkhumi district. The latter encompasses 1. Low-mountainous sub-district of Lechkhumi-Racha. 2. Nakerala sub-district 3. Satsalike-Khikhata-Leknari sub-district 4. Shkmeri sub-district.In the Nakerala sub-district, the authors combine Nakerala ridge, Tashava massif, and Shaori basin. Our research area includes the southwestern part of the Racha mountain range, in particular, Tavshava,Nakerala, Satsalike, and Saint George.


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Plant Science

How to Cite

Plants Containing Essential Oils in the Flora of Khvamli and NakeraRidges. (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 80-90.