Protection of the Black Sea coast of Poti from erosion by using underwater barriers


  • Ivane Saghinadze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author
  • Manana Pkhakadze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


shore, erosion, wave, geotube


The paper discusses the coastal protection problems of the Black Sea coast of Poti. A mathematical model of transportation of the sediment has been developed, that takes into account the existing geometric and physical parameters of the coastline. As a result of the numerical solution of the obtained equations, sediment transport rates are calculated. The tendencies of sediment movement in the coastal zone, the quantitative index of its deficit and the average speed of erosion in the multi-year section are determined. In order to reduce wave loads and erosion processes on the coastline, the method of arranging underwater breakwave barriers in the depth of the sea are used. Geotextile pipes(Geotubes) filled with sand are used as underwater barriers. In case of accumulative shore, the geometrical and physical parameters of placing underwater geotubes at the bottom of the sea are calculated. Based on the analysis of field observations and the developed numerical models, a preliminary design for protecting the coastline to the south of the "City Canal" of the Rioni River was developed.


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Ocean Engineering

How to Cite

Protection of the Black Sea coast of Poti from erosion by using underwater barriers. (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(21), 200-219.