Tamaz Bibiluri's novel “Time of Kitkhili” in the context of Mikhail Bakhtin's methodological principles (dialogic criticism, carni-valization)


  • Tamta Shavianidze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


dialogic criticism, carnivalization, heteroglossia, sociolect, cultural dialect


Tamaz Bibiluri is a famous writer and playwright of the second half of the 20th century, whose works are distinguished by the depth of what is said, the severity of the problems raised, the variety of interpretations and individual handwriting. The novel “Time of Kitkhili” is a multifaceted work full of deep philosophical roots. In the article, the peculiarities of the artistic interpretation of the novel are analyzed in terms of dialogic criticism and carnivalization of Mikhail Bakhtin's methodological principles. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the text includes all three forms of language relations established by Mikhail Bakhtin, revealing the ambivalent nature of carnival literature. The concept of a polyphonic language model follows the work from beginning to end, where the main and secondary “voices” complement each other and create a common methodological concept. By means of “dialogic criticism” and “carnivalization”, the individualism of the characters of the novel and the main motivation of their actions become much easier to understand. Heteroglossia and aligning the oppositional pairs are the most striking features of the novel “Time of Kitkhili”.  


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Literature and Literary Theory

How to Cite

Tamaz Bibiluri’s novel “Time of Kitkhili” in the context of Mikhail Bakhtin’s methodological principles (dialogic criticism, carni-valization). (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(1 (21), 147-159. https://moambe.journals.atsu.edu.ge/index.php/moambe/article/view/62