Artistic Function of Implicit Reference in Orhan Pamuk's Novel “My Name is Red”


  • Maka Susareishvili Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


intertextuality, postmodernism, explicit reference, implicit reference


The novel "My Name is Red" is of postmodernist nature. Intertextual discourse methods are found in the work: explicit and implicit references. The artistic function of implicit reference serves to enrich the narrative, to contextualize the plot in a specific cultural and historical environment. Through references, the ideological connections between the donor and referent texts are brought to life. Reference is the best way to verbalize an artistic idea.


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Literature and Literary Theory

How to Cite

Artistic Function of Implicit Reference in Orhan Pamuk’s Novel “My Name is Red”. (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 2 (22), 147-157.