Agro-technical features of arabic coffee tree "Coffea Arabica L." In the conditions of Kutaisi Botanical Garden


  • Marina Kutsia Akaki Tsereteli State University Author
  • Luiza Gorgodze Botanical Garden Kutaisi, Georgia Author


tropical, Arabic, coffee, species, plant, caffeine


The majority of the world's coffee tree species (50-60 species) are found in the lowest tiers of humid tropical forests in Africa and Madagascar. The Arabic coffee species "Coffea arabica L." is grown in numerous tropical countries and accounts for around 60% of all coffee plantations worldwide. The Arabian coffee tree has exceptional decorative qualities, which are defined by attractive blossoms and the decorativeness of the fruits due to the density and evergreenness of its stems. Arabic coffee plant Because of its ornamental characteristics, "Coffea arabica" is used in landscaping, to decorate building interiors, during the creation of winter gardens in both units and groups, and to create creative compositions with lovely flowering plants. The Arabic coffee tree "Coffea arabica L." species is one of the most notable attractive trees among the collections of exotic tropical plants in the confined grounds of the Kutaisi Botanical Garden. We were researching the growth and development features of the aforementioned species, as well as the identification of hazardous organisms and the execution of preventative measures.


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Agricultural and Biological Sciences

How to Cite

Agro-technical features of arabic coffee tree "Coffea Arabica L." In the conditions of Kutaisi Botanical Garden. (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(21), 8-21.