Metaphoric Type Of The Secondary Nomination In Relation To Somatic Idioms


  • Irma Rusadze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author



the second nomination, somatic idioms metaphor, semantic parallelism


This article deals with one type of the second nomination, such as metaphorical nomination and discusses how it is revealed in somatic idioms, which adds a special aesthetic colouring. Generally, the problem of nomination in linguistics was and is going to be the subject of great discussion. Nomination is directly connected with the changes which take place in idiomatic structure. This research paper delves into the intricate relationship between metaphoric expressions and somatic idioms, focusing specifically on the metaphoric type of the second nomination. Through an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates linguistic, cognitive, and cultural perspectives. Generally, two types of nomination are described in Linguistics - The first and the second nomination. The second nomination can be considered as a complete model to reveal the somatic idioms. It describes the new elements of the words formed from the first nomination.


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Language and Linguistics

How to Cite

Metaphoric Type Of The Secondary Nomination In Relation To Somatic Idioms. (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 115-126.