Biblical Paradigms in Jemal Ajiashvili's Work
biblical paradigms, metaphor, symbolAbstract
This paper examines the significant contribution of Jemal Ajiashvili to the development of Georgian aesthetic thought in the second half of the twentieth century. Throughout his career, Ajiashvili emerged as a preeminent thinker who brought to the forefront perennial values rooted in the love of God and the pursuit of the divine. The study demonstrates Ajiashvili's remarkable affinity with religious literature, as evidenced by the artistic forms employed in his poetry. These poetic devices represent a transformation of Christian symbolism within a modern context. Even during the Soviet era, the poet was able to effectively depict religious and national themes through artistic allusion and metaphorical expression. Ajiashvili's poetic oeuvre exemplifies the integration of biblical paradigms into contemporary Georgian writing, thereby defining both the spiritual and literary identity of the creator. This integration further confirms the close relationship between modern Georgian poetry and religious literary traditions, underscoring the continuity of the national literary heritage.
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