Oppositions of the Political Leader's Artistic Face In Plutarch's Parallel Lives


  • Tatia Mardaleishvili Akaki Tsereteli State University Author


Plutarkh, parallel lives, political leader


The purpose of our research is to show what skills of leadership  the statesmen possessed described in Plutarch's Parallel Lives  and what the reason of their success or failure was; to what extent Plutarch's and modern definitions of leadership agree; what qualities determine the success or failure of ancient statesmen; why they are still objects of imitation and admiration; how they behave in critical situations; how  they interact with the masses; how  they manage to  influence the people, manage crisis situations; what is more important for them - the state and people or personal interests and ambitions; to what extent were the results of their activities reflected on the welfare of the state and people. We think that the study of this problem will present new aspects of research in Georgian Classical Philology and literary studies. And for modern leaders, Alexander the Great, Gaius Julius Caesar, Fabius Maximus, Pericles, and the Gracchus Brothers will be role models for a long time from now, and for the reader - an object of admiration for the positive or negative qualities that Plutarch immortalized in his Parallel Lives.


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How to Cite

Oppositions of the Political Leader’s Artistic Face In Plutarch’s Parallel Lives . (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(21), 134-146. https://moambe.journals.atsu.edu.ge/index.php/moambe/article/view/61