Pension Agency’s Investment Policy and Modern International Experience


  • David Mamrikishvili Ilia State University Author



Pension funds, investments, investment policy, regulation, international experience


Pension systems across many countries place significant emphasis on the well-being of the elderly population. The primary objective of these systems is to provide retirees with a stable and disposable income, thereby ensuring not only financial security but also fostering social equity. The year 2023 proved to be pivotal for both international and domestic pension funds, as global economic and geopolitical conditions significantly influenced investment decisions, and consequently, the performance of pension funds. In this context, an in-depth analysis of pension fund investment policies in 2023 offers valuable insights into how nations and institutions manage their investment strategies, mitigate risks, and navigate the impact of global economic trends on pension fund returns. The development of an effective investment strategy remains a critical challenge. The successful operation and growth of pension funds are closely tied to the performance of global markets and financial instruments, rendering their investment policies both complex and fraught with challenges.


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Economics, Econometrics and Finance

How to Cite

Pension Agency’s Investment Policy and Modern International Experience. (2025). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 2(2 (24), 158-189.