The study of the identity elements of the Udins ethnic group in Georgia
ethnic minority, Udis, cultural heritage, traditional clothesAbstract
Despite Georgia's compact geographical size, its population exhibits remarkable ethnic, national and religious diversity. Over centuries, individuals from various ethnic backgrounds have settled in the country and have coexisted harmoniously with the local population. This article delves into the factors and mechanisms connected with the migration, way of life, traditional costume and accoutrements of one of the ethnic minority groups residing in contemporary Georgia, namely, the Udis. The significance of this research lies in its contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage among ethnic minorities in contemporary Georgia and its incorporation into the broader Georgian cultural milieu. The cultural legacy of the ethnically and religiously diverse communities in Georgia is acknowledged as an integral part of the overarching Georgian cultural heritage. Hence, the insights derived from this research will play a vital role in promoting the visibility and integration of these groups into the broader cultural landscape of the nation.
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