Publishing policy

 The author must indicate name (in full), last name, scientific/academic degree, academic position, place of work, telephone, e-mail. If the author/co-author of the paper is not an employee of our university, then the exact name of the scientific institution that the author/co-author represents must be stated. The author/co-author (including from other scientific and educational institutions) must indicate the scientific/ academic degree, academic position and the department where he /she works, telephone, e-mail).

The author must indicate the direction and field of science to which the submitted paper belongs in the top right corner of the article that is to be published, above the name of the author and the title, according to the SCOPUS scientific journal classifier, for example: Direction: Agrarian and Biological Sciences: Field: Food Science.

Font - Sylfaen, font size: text - 11, footnote - 10, title - 12; Interval 1.15; A4; Margins - 4 cm from the top; -3 cm from the bottom; Left and right areas - 4-4 cm. Microsoft office – 2016-2019 - rtf format.

Authors are required to strictly adhere to the structure required for a scientific article (abstract, keywords, introduction, case history or review of scientific literature, experimental articles must describe the methodology of the experiment, conclusions and recommendations, used literature and sources).

For the texts of natural-engineering direction, it is also obligatory to observe the following requirements: Mathematical formulas must be typed in the program ‘equation’; Margins - 4 cm from the top; -3 cm from the bottom; Left and right areas - 4-4 cm. PDF format. The following technical requirements must be met for articles submitted in engineering:

  • Rarely used complex symbols, repetitions, superfluous trifles, well-known provisions, large volumes of tables and formulas should be avoided in the text.
  • Formulas must be typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0 editor. Note that if the formula size is greater than 100 mm, it needs to be simplified or divided into several rows. It is advisable not to use multilevel indices.
  • Drawings must be placed in the text in one of the standard formats (tif, jpg). It is also possible to use drawings made in Microsoft word. It is not allowed to cover part of the drawing with additional drawing elements and captions in MS Word.
  • The article should use well-known abbreviations. Other abbreviated names need to be decrypted. The dimensions of the physical quantities used must be consistent with the international SI system of the units.

 Rules for verification of cited literature

 Literature cited/referenced in the journal is in the author-date format and is based on the Chicago academic style and citation rules established by Akaki Tsereteli State University.

When citing/referencing the source, the author's last name, the year of publication and a specific page (Georgian in the Georgian language, foreign in a foreign language) shall be indicated in brackets (e.g. (Javakhishvili 1965: 99).

The literature referenced in the paper is cited according to the usage index at the end of the article and is sorted alphabetically (first in Georgian, then in English, then in other foreign languages) in the following form:


When citing a book, the title is indicated in italics, in the case of an article, the title is put in quotation marks, and the title of a journal or a newspaper is indicated in italics.

Book by one author. Last name, first name, year, title, place of publication, publishing house.

Javakhishvili, Ivane. 1965. Materials for the History of Material Culture of Georgia. Tbilisi: Science.

 A book by two or three authors. Last name of each author, first name, year, title, place of publication, publishing house. When a publication has several authors, the list of authors is indicated as follows: the first author – by last name and first name; the following authors - by name and surname.

Beriashvili, Mamuka and Johannes Weiss. 2019. Martin Heidegger's philosophy in social-theoretical relations. Tbilisi: Meridian.

 A book with an editor in the position of an author. Editor last name, first name (always indicate the word - ed. alongside), year, title, place of publication, publishing house.

Gaprindashvili, Lela. Ed. 2005. Gender, Culture, Modernity. Tbilisi: Union "Women's Initiative for Equality".

 Book by author and editor. Last name, first name, year, title,  editor first name, last name, place of publication, publishing house.

Rustaveli, Shota. 1953. The Knight in the Panther’s Skin. Edited and annotated by Pavle Ingorokva. Tbilisi: Soviet Writer.

 Book  authored by an organization. Organization (indicate as author even if it is named as publisher only), year, title, place of publication, publishing house.

Museum of Literature. 2018. The Blue Horns. Correspondence, Book I. Tbilisi: Museum of Literature.

 A book without an author. Title, year, place of publication, publishing house.

Georgian writing. 1984. Dictionary-Reference, Book I. Tbilisi: Education.

 Translated book. Last name, first name, year, title, translator name, surname, place of publication, publishing house.

Bart, Roland. 2011. Mythologies. Transl. Natalia Mtivlishvili. Tbilisi: Agora.

 A chapter or other part of a book that has several authors. Last name, first name (surname only in the text), year, title of the chapter (part), title of the book, editor, total number of pages of the chapter (part), place of publication, publishing house.

Kiasashvili, Niko. 1988. "Modernity" and "Modernism" in the book Western European Literature (XX century), eds: Natalia Orlovskaya and Nodar Kakabadze, 7-42. Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Publishing House.

 Article from a scientific journal. Last name, first name, year, title, journal name, volume (series) number, year, total page volume.

Silagadze, Apollo. 2016. "Oriental Sources of Georgian Solid Verse Forms". Sjani 17, 2016: 123-140.

 Article from a popular/periodical journal. Last name, first name, year, article title. Journal name, volume (series) number, date, total number of pages.

Kiknadze, Zurab. 2019. "Vakhtang Kotetishvili - Retrospective Thoughts on Georgian Culture". Aril, # 1 (279), 2019: 27-32.

 Material from a newspaper. Last name, first name, year, title, name of the newspaper, number, date.

Javakhadze, Vakhtang. 2020. “Galaktion Again”, Literary Newspaper, # 5 (261), March 13-26, 2020.

 Material from the Internet

 E-book. Last name, first name, year, title, book, place of publication, publisher, URL address (if any, DOI-containing URL) or the database name from which the book was retrieved (if such e-resource does not have a URL).

Arthur, Symons. 2020. Dramatis Personæ. Indianapolis: The Boobs-Merrill Company.

 Article in a scientific journal. Last name, first name, year, article title. Journal name, volume (series) number, pages total volume, DOI or DOI-containing URL, if not, only URL or database name.

  • Magnifico Cedric and Bart Defrancq. 2020. „Norms and gender in simultaneous interpreting: a study of connective markers“. The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research. Vol. 12, No.1, 2020: 1-17. DOI: 10.12807 / ti.112201.2020.a01
  • Smith, Pamela H. 2019. "Experimenting in the Material World and on Paper in sixteenth-century France”. 47/1 June, 2019: 18-29.

 Articles in popular/periodical journals. Last name, first name, year, article title. Journal name, volume (series) number, date, total number of pages. An article in this type of journal should have a URL if it is researched online. In the absence of such an address - the name of the database.

Carpenter, Zoe. 2020. Health Care: ‘A Moment of Ethical Reckoning’. The Nation. Vol. 310, Issue 16, 6/15/2020: 12-19.

 Website (in the case of website content). Website name, year, material title, upload or retrieval date, URL.

Akaki Tsereteli State University. 2020. History of the University. Retrieved 16.06.2020.

 Website (in the case of the author). Last name, first year, title, upload or retrieval date, title, item title, upload date. In the absence of such, the date of retrieval, the URL of the website.

Tserediani, David. 2019. “The Science of Separation“. Uploaded on 15.04.2019.


An alphabetical order is used to refer to several books published by the same author in the same year, for example: Tsereteli 2014a: 167; Tsereteli 2014b: 300.

If the publication does not have a publication date, then indicate the following after the surname: last name, first name. T.G. (Without date).

 Other sources

 Archival material. Document name, date, document number, place where the fund is kept. Correspondence of the Society for the Spreading of Literacy among Georgians with various organisations on the erection of a monument to Ilia Chavchavadze in 1908-1913. National Archives of Georgia. Archival Fund of the SSLAG Society. 1125 (№1077) sheet/doc. 101.

 Proceedings of the conference/symposium. Last name, first year, title, conference/symposium title, total page volume. Place of publication, publishing house, URL (if the material is retrieved from electronic resources).

Chilaia, Ramaz. 2020. "Texts of the Era of Change". Contemporary Problems of Literary Studies: Political Events of the 80s and 90s of the XX Century and Literary Discourse. Proceedings of the XIII International Symposium, Part I: 315-328. Tbilisi: University Publishing House.

 Dissertation. Author (last name, first name), title, type of dissertation, place of defence, year. URL (if the material is retrieved from electronic resources).

Chubinidze, Kakha. Rotation of coordinate axes and differentiation of integrals with respect to the axis according to the invariant bases. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Mathematics. Akaki Tsereteli State University, 2016.

 Musical notes. Last name, first name (last name only in the text), year, title, place of publication, publishing house, URL (if the material is retrieved from electronic resources).

Kancheli, Giya. 2009. Cinema and theater music for piano. With sketches by Revaz Gabriadze. Tbilisi: Sound Orbit, 2009.

 Drawing, photography, sculpture. Author, title, date, description (material, size, etc.), location, in case of citing from the album - the name of the album (book), place of publication, publisher, year, page or image number. URL (if the material is retrieved from electronic resources).

Akhvlediani, Helen. "Paris". 1925. Painting, oil, canvas, original size: 38,5x45,5 cm. Iverieli. Pirosmani: Digital Museum of Art/Painting Graphics,

 For details see:

Resolution # 73 (19/20) on theATSU Citation Rules and Instructions

Chicago Citation Style Examples. 2017. 17th Edition.

Chicago Style Citation.

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