Epidemiological Characteristics of Covid-19 Infection Amongst Medical Staff of Medical Institutions of Imereti
random sample, epidemic, vulnerability, morbidity rateAbstract
Covid-19 pandemic caused global problem and global crisis that requires the mobilization of representatives from all spheres in order to have multipoint response. The challenges in the epidemic process are quite complex, which require maximum use of resources. Medical personnel are one of the important risk groups of the Covid-19 pandemic, so preventing their infection is an important aspect of the fight against the pandemic. Most cases of infection in representatives of the medical group are classified as infected in the institution, and some are classified as social and family contacts. For the first time, the presented research evaluated the epidemiological characteristics of the disease with Covid-19 among medical personnel in the Imereti region.
დაავადებათა კონტროლისა და საზოგადოებრივი ჯანმრთელობის ეროვნული ცენტრი. ელ.რესურსი. მოძიებულია 20.10.2023. https://www.ncdc.ge/#/pages/file/07ad44ba-95c0-4a9b-9682-f19ded67d51a )