Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: Area of Popularity (XV-XIX centuries)


  • Ketevan Putkaradze Akaki Tsereteli State University Author



Quintilianus, Italy, France, England, Portugal, America


In the 1st century, Marcus Fabius Quintilianus wrote “Institutio Oratoria”, in which he tried to show the ideal model of a man who, in his opinion, should be both the best orator and an honest man, or in Latin a vir bonus dicendi peritus. This work has become an indispensable guide for many intellectuals throughout the centuries in different countries. In this paper we will try to show its effects in different geographical areas.


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How to Cite

Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: Area of Popularity (XV-XIX centuries). (2024). Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University, 1(23), 157-164.